Nathan Grindal (above) attended a darts match in England and because of his beard and long hair he was bombarded by the crowd with continuous taunts liking him to Jesus. The poor guy was turfed out of the venue in case the 'fuss that had erupted' put the actual darts players off performing, so escorted him from the arena! Had the lad turned up in a sack with a rope around his waist, ( as it is a popular trait to go dressed up to matches ) then maybe a scrape of reason to taunt may have been accepted but he was a regular guy! Fuck, half the bands in Central Scotland have a hairy member! See Kassidy for confirmation...and that's another plug over!! The link below gives more details of Nathan's ordeal.
This Link Below
One little blessing I do want to mention is my very own Ginger Jesus. Yup - my lad , Adam, looking similar to Nathan, has the nickname and is fondly referred to often as GingerJesus. But he embraces the title. We're not religious but I never mock anyone for having faith in what variety or deity that may be in. As Adam puts it "I'm a ginge, mum, there's worse things I could be called!" He's rode the red-haired rodeo all his life and coped with it well.
Ironically, my GingerJesus IS a saviour of sorts himself. Adam plays in our local pub's darts team (The Warriors) and is shit-hot at it. Not so long ago he prized back for his team the cup that had been with rival pub, The Mariner's Bar, for 7 long years. To an almighty roar - GingerJesus won back the trophy (on a double six!) He also helped spark new youth interest in the game with his friends following the team around. Strangely enough the darts team captain Jim dubbed Adam, PeaPod, after he realised that Adam's dad was an old friend of his whose nickname when young was Pod (as he used to go tea-leafing pea-pods from gardens) so therefore Adam is a pop off the old pod, so to speak!
Anyhow - my blogging rant is over. I'm gonna be
My top 2 choices now to win (now that Barney, from Holland, was out in the first round) is either fellow Dutchman Michael van Gerwen or Australia's Simon Whitlock, whom I've admired for many years and, if he takes out his pony tail and pulls that hair forward he may resemble a certain let me think this one out, folks...........†
Whomever the player, I'm sure they could use a little card like this in their top pocket.........