August 15, 2009

No Need For Rain!

Oh, well! It's typical really that the rain put the boot in for my youngest, Adam! Him and his friends were all geared up for their Band In A Van gig that the local council Rock The Talk project arranged. It was to be placed in Callendar Park in Falkirk, right in front of the big house!

Being 'No Need For Idols' first public gig, they were excited as hell. They even managed to pop in a quick set in my house before the designated time of appearance! Then the promoters called to cancel. The stage was too open and a danger to appliances ect, as the rain rained on. Of all the days of the week, it had to choose Friday!

They had parents aplenty with lenses aplenty to capture them on, and even more disappointed than the band members at the cancelation. They even had the local rag interview to help kick-start them into musicdom! Ah, well. What does an element-defeated band do? Just get on with a future show and write new stuff! So here's a picture of the main songwriter's (Oliver and Adam) jammin' on. And just because, here's their bit of fame from the local rag: - definitely no need for them matches and wheely bins, James!!

But here's the link to when they really started a mere 2 years ago. Can't believe the change in them!

1 comment:

Operaton You said...

So sorry to heart that their first gig was rained out... I love the name of the band.. it's cool. Took a look at the article too.. Just wanted to stop by to say hi and thank you for visiting my blog, Operation you! It was nice to see that we used the same blog format! Great minds and great hearts think and feel alike!! Don't they? Happy Inspirational Monday!