Staggering! Yes, staggering. The amount of crap The Cheaper Half says I store. I may not be quite as enthusiastic as the hoarders you see on TV but how could anyone bin this...?
This postcard arrived in an envelope with an adult hand written address on it lest it never getting here at all. It's from my son's best friend, Oliver who was six at the time and taking a break in the Highlands with his family. I simply adore the spelling. That's the magic bit!
These kind of things, through the ages, I have stuffed-full suitcases with. All in a cupboard next to the window in the very unlikely event of a fire. Both lads are 19 now and neither Adam or Oliver remembered the card. Boy, are some in for a surprise on my demise! Oh, yes, I'm a major bucket-dodger me! The girl just can't help it.