On Saturday I doggie sat her other Doberman, Tealc, while she and Tam fetched Tarot's ashes. It's amazing how animals sense when life's not the same. He lay up in the settee, not interested in playing and it took around 2 hours of encouragement to get him to spend some sun in the garden with me. All he wanted was his friend and owners back.
When they did return a few hours later, I held Tarot in his oak and gold urn for a few minutes and said my goodbye's. Bereavement will now take it's course. But I can't say enough how much this gorgeous canine was adored and cared for along life's difficult journeys.
Sadly, these are all the only pictures of me with him that my son Adam took on his camera-phone thingy a couple of years ago one doggie sitting session. I can still feel the sloppy countless kisses on me yet! Bye Bye big guy!
I remember your original post about this wonderful dog. I'm sad to hear he has gone and it is always such an awfully sad thing to lose a much loved pet. You will no doubt grieve as much as your friends but in time as we all know, the good stuff eventually surfaces and you smile at the memory. Hugs
RIP big guy.
Thank you so much.
I am very sorry for yours and your friends loss. Tarot looked like a beautiful dog.
We have been having serious pet loss issues around here. My sister lost 2 cats in 2 weeks, one, well just lost and the other, was very old and sick and had to be put to sleep. I have two geriatric cats who I fear that I will soon be facing these same decisions for, and it is sad. But I remind myself of the joy and fullness they add to my life and I would do it over and over again. Saving the kitten born under my shed this summer also helps with the whole circle of life aspect of it.
Oh and thanks for stopping by my blogs. Its great to have a new "bloggy" friend out there.
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